Week 8 Update

By | August 13, 2017

This week was one of those time when I lost track of days and suddenly it was the end of the week. If it wasn’t for persistent calendar notifications, I would totally missed the office hour on Friday too. Thank you, technology!

I spent two days resting to recover from the conferences and game jam. Then, following advice from the conference, I worked on making real assets for this project. The first room to tackle is the bedroom scene. During the game jam in the previous week, I managed to grab a couple friends to try the early unpolished prototype, and they both like the outer space scene, and dislike the bedroom scene. They like the open space feeling, and bedroom barely had any opening. So I spent a few days researching open space room design as an alternative. Initially I wanted to create a Japanese inspired room, with tatami floor, ceiling, shoji wall panels & doors. Moving ahead, I still want to have some Japanese room elements but combined with modern design for the open space feeling. I’m hoping to get this all done by the end of next week.

Here are a couple model I created for bedroom scenes:

Then after listening in the office hour Q&A, I decided to update Samsung S7 O/S from Marshmallow to Nougat. I went to At&t first, explained my situation to them, but they were not able to help. We tried with inserting their sim card onto the phone and looked for update, but nothing happened. Not only that, the phone suddenly said I couldn’t try to update for another 20 something hours. Then I messaged Caroline, another OLP participant. She mentioned to go to Best Buy, and look for Samsung representative there, since she had better luck going by this method. I followed her suggestion and went to the closest Best Buy, and voila, the Samsung guy just plugged my phone to his laptop, push a few buttons and I have Nougat installed. Thank you Caroline!

Plan for next week:
– finalize bedroom level design with real assets
– add 1-2 animal companion to the scene
– start implementing interaction for space and bedroom scenes

See you next week!